South Australian Children’s Ballet Company



The South Australian Children’s Ballet Company (SACBC) has provided talented South Australian dancers with the opportunity to perform a variety of dance styles since 1986. The company aims to introduce the world of classical and modern dance to younger audiences by providing opportunities to develop artistic potential through real world exposure to the disciplines of dance performance and dedicated commitment to theatre.

We perform regularly throughout the year and boast an extensive repertoire from leading local, national and international choreographers. Special emphasis is placed upon the creation of dance pieces that challenge and extend the achievements of young dancers to present their audience with a standard of performance that is both accomplished and visually compelling.

SACBC membership is open to all South Australian students of dance enrolled in accredited ballet schools. Each year aspiring dancers can audition for a place in the Company which limits membership to about twenty-five young male and female dancers in training whose ages range from 10 to 19 years. The students come together from various ballet schools throughout Adelaide metro area.
